- Boyne River Has CrowdHydrology Monitoring! Check out the new “CrowdHydrology” page under “The River” tab above and become a Boyne River scientist!
- Managing Purple Loosestrife. For an update on the status of our battle against Purple Loosestrife on the Boyne, see “Managing Purple Loosestrife” under “The River” tab above.
- Toxic Wild Parsnip (pastina sativa). The wild parsnip, while beautiful, is not only a Eurasion invasive plant found in Michigan, but dangerous to humans. For more information see the article regarding this plant under “The River” tab above.
- Watch Out For Meth Lab Waste! The Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council has put out an alert regarding meth lab waste which is now being found along rivers in northern Michigan. Such waste is highly toxic and very dangerous to people who encounter it. To read the alert, see the “The River” tab above and click on “Meth Lab Waste.”
- Put Your Pills in the Pod!
The Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council has embarked on an educational campaign to raise awareness about the Northern Michigan Prescription and Over-the-Counter Drug Drop-off (POD) Program. The POD program is an environmentally sound way for residents to properly dispose of medications. By participating in the program you will help keep our lakes, rivers and drinking water clean and our communities and families safe. In Charlevoix County alone over 1,000 pounds of pharmaceuticals are collected. Click here for a flyer with collection locations. In Boyne City there is a permanent POD located in the Boyne City Police Department entrance. For more on the POD program go to www.watershedcouncil.org/pharmaceuticals-in-our-waters and www.pillsinthepod.com.
- Additional Monofilament Line Receptacle Added. For more information click on the “Activities” tab above and “Monofilament Line Receptacle Installed.”